Weather station

The concept of having a weather station in our PV installation will allow us to control the meteorological parameters that affect the performance of the PV panel.
PVmet-500-M4 Weather station

The PVmet-500 series the most comprehensive multi-channel weather stations, which features all meteorological data specific to PV power generation.
- Powerful sensor interface
- PV back-panel temperature
- Ambient temperature / RH / Barometric pressure
- Irradiance GHI / POA
- Wind speed and direction (Ultrasonic)
- Precipitation MODBUS RTU 485 (Sunspec®)
The standard measurement parameters are (PV Panel Rear Temperature, Relative Humidity, Barometric Pressure, Ambient Temperature, and GHI Irradiance). There are optional parameters including irradiance (POA), wind speed and direction, precipitation, and additional rear panel temperature sensors. EKO offers 5 different preconfigured systems. EKO offers 5 different preconfigured systems.