Why go to solar energy?
Because Solaractiva assures you of success with its world-leading systems
Why does Solaractiva choose the best photovoltaic systems in the world?
The answer is simple. Only these systems give us the peace of mind of offering a safe and effective solution, far from other offers that may be attractive at first, but will fail us in the short or long term.
How do you do it?
Each solar module on the roof connects to a high-quality power optimizer that transforms it into a Smart module. By working in conjunction with highly efficient inverters, we are able to capture as much energy as possible, regardless of shade or dirt, to provide your home with more electricity over the life of the system.

Check your savings in real time
In addition to reducing your electricity bills, Solaractiva thinks about your changing energy needs and protects your investment. With system monitoring and through a free application for your mobile or tablet, you can follow the production and consumption of energy in your home from anywhere. The installer also has its own application, a monitoring and maintenance portal from remote down to the module level.
* Free for 25 years
Solutions in Photovoltaic
Solar Isolated
Solutions to providing energy for electricity consumption to homes where the electricity grid does not reach
If you are still thinking about it and have been interested in our photovoltaic equipment, waiting start saving money, you must contact us.
Why go to solar energy?
Because Solaractiva with its world-leading systems assures you of success