Solutions in PV Industrial
The right PV agent to improve your business
Solaractiva is a guaranteed success for your photovoltaic projects in the industrial sector
Our Engineering team has the latest generation tools to develop a custom design, with an optimization plan that includes LCOE * and ROI ** analysis.
We study your needs and create a proposal aimed at generating the greatest possible power in the available space. We generate turnkey solutions, with installation and commissioning.
We studied how to place modules in series in different orientations and inclinations for maximum performance. The inverters used support long and uneven series, thus minimizing supporting hardware.
Thanks to MPPT (Maximum Power Point Tracking), each module works individually with maximum capacity.
*LCOE (Levelized cost of energy): value of the current total cost of building and operating a power generating facility throughout its useful life. The LCOE of photovoltaics drops to 3.3 cents / kWh in Spain. Photovoltaic systems are now so cheap that they compete with power plants.
** ROI (Return on Investment): It is a metric used to know how much the company earned through its investments

The 3 great advantages of industrial self-consumption:
1. Profitability of consuming your own solar energy
An average company <strong>saves 50-60% of the monthly electricity</strong> bill by installing solar panels, amortizing the investment in no more than 5 years.
2. Efficiency of solar panels in industries or factories
In Spain, <strong>an average solar panel (330W) produces an average of 500kWh per year.</strong> Solar energy is currently the most efficient way to produce electricity, it is generated and consumed in the same place and from a free and inexhaustible source: the Sun.
3. Sustainability of industrial self-consumption for companies
Long-term safe option. Solar PV systems are robust and the technology is proven to last over 25 years.
Today, CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) is something highly valued by customers, so sustainability improves the image of the company.
Solutions in Photovoltaic
Solar Isolated
Solutions to providing energy for electricity consumption to homes where the electricity grid does not reach
If you are still thinking about it and have been interested in our photovoltaic equipment, waiting start saving money, you must contact us.
Why go to solar energy?
Because Solaractiva with its world-leading systems assures you of success