Hybrid solar panel

The type of hybrid solar panel we work with produces the same energy as 5 photovoltaic solar panels. Thanks to this great efficiency, a hybrid installation pays off in a short time, being the most profitable solar technology on the market.
A hybrid solar panel is capable of generating electricity and hot water simultaneously. It achieves this by having photovoltaic cells that produce electricity and, in the same panel, a hydraulic system that heats the water. These panels are installed according to the needs of the sector, which translates into multiple applications.

- Electricity Production: reducing the cost of the electricity bill by up to 100%.
- Hot Water Production: The DHW consumption of a building represents, on average, 20% of all thermal demand.
- Heating: We can reduce the considerable energy expenditure on heating. Underfloor heating is the best example of efficient heating using DHW.
- Pool heating: Hybrid panels allow you to heat your pool so that you can enjoy it all year round. In addition, the electricity consumed by the pool's hydraulic system (pumps) is produced by solar energy. In this way, you can have your pool at a comfortable temperature throughout the year, regardless of whether it is winter or summer, and it is the most profitable technology in this type of facility.