At Solaractiva we are up to date on the possibilities of subsidies for your photovoltaic installation. Currently the IDAE (Institute for the Diversification and Saving of Energy) has published incentive programs for the execution of facilities linked to self-consumption and storage, with renewable energy sources:
Currently these aids are being generated through the Government Recovery and Resilience Planhttps://planderecuperacion.gob.es/

This recovery plan includes incentive programs that last until December 2023. There is a program for each type of recipient, such as the Residential sector or Air Conditioning through renewable energies.
Each of them has some requirements. Solaractiva advises them free of charge on the steps to follow to manage the grant application or if they wish, we process said request for them at a stipulated cost
Solutions in Photovoltaic
Solar Isolated
Solutions to providing energy for electricity consumption to homes where the electricity grid does not reach
If you are still thinking about it and have been interested in our photovoltaic equipment, waiting start saving money, you must contact us.
Why go to solar energy?
Because Solaractiva with its world-leading systems assures you of success